Friday 11 December 2015

Our Johnny

The newspapers, TV, radio and all the media around have fed us with sad articles and reports about John the recent days. The reason is simple. It's been 35 years since our hero passed away. I think many people were interested in reading about the last days of his life, or see how the world remembered him on this sad day. But how did we, Beatles fanatics and big lovers of this talented man feel deep inside?

Saturday 5 December 2015

Reasons to love Liverpool+ many photos

I've always loved Britain. I've always liked the architecture, culture, calm people, rainy days, the accent, people talking about the weather, the tradition of monarchy, big green parks and brick houses. I've been to London twice before going to Liverpool, and I have to say Liverpool has touched me even more.
Of course,  The Beatles were the main reason why I loved it, but later I found out it's not just that. 

Here are ten reasons  why to love this city: